I'm a Software Engineer in Nottingham.

Enthusiastic about engineering culture, Product Thinking and building high-quality services that make a difference. Rebellious artist, climber, skateboarder and urbanist.


Updated March 2025

Day-to-day: Expert Software Engineer at EMIS Health

Current picks: #

Podcasts 🎧

Videos and presentations ▶️▶️

These have stuck with me recently and informing what practices I bring to my team and how I navigate my career

Reading 📚

Really in to audiobooks, but also redescovering the tactile reading experience of print:

Classics which I frequently reflect on and are my compass for life and work:

Thinking about

  • Trusting in myself and my experience, and being brave enough to step up to the challenges I see around me. I'm developing my ambition, bravery and resilience to feel empowered in myself to to pursue what I want to.

If there is no passion and personal investment given to something in a company, mediocrity prevails.

Inertia is all around us, and few will step up to the challenge of right action at personal risk, but that is not an exciting, impactfulway to live. I go to work to have impact and improve things; the product, our daily work, our mission. But there is heavy inertia.

I have come to understand lack of passion and personal investmenr is the failure mode; the pull of mediocrity organisations default to without empassioned, humble leadership.

  • Develop a reputation for consistency; good or bad. Just always predictable in my responses and actions, to build trust and clear communication.

  • Being deliberate with how I spend time. Having systematically cutting out much 'low value' time sinks and unplugging from social media, there is much time available. I need to be deliberate with using it to foster meaningful relationships and towards fulfilling things like developing my art skills and reflection on my goals and values

  • Giving myself credit and valuing my unique skills; not comparing myself harshly with others who have different skills and sensibilities

  • Challenging myself to draw more, even if it's rubbish, and share it on my drawing instagram martino_draws

Thanks for taking an interest!

My Now page is inspired by Derek Sivers' 'Now' page concept. Find out about Now pages.
